Sunday, September 24, 2006


OK, while I was just updating my blog I just read the following on my weather updates:
Phnom Penh 12:30pm 30'c
Stockholm 7:20am 14'c
Melbourne 3:00pm 11'c brrrrrrrrrrr

Now, in what world is that fair! And where I live in generally 4-5 degrees colder than in Melbourne city. It is colder here in the middle of the afternoon than first thing in the morning on a autumn day in Stockholm!

Not impressed at all!!

Back to my roots

with my surprised, 18-year-old brother Rhys

So, after a very teary goodbye to Phnom Penh, I arrived in Melbourne on sunday morning, with my 70kg or so of baggage, to surprise my little brother on his 18th birthday. It was perhaps the best kept secret in my family ever! I shocked him completely, bursting into the house singing happy birthday as he was just waking up after a big night with his mates.

The mission continued, as we then had a surprise party for him that night at the local footy club. It is not The Heart, but it was fun, and a very good jolt back to my roots! Beer, footy heros, rock music, meat pies. Aus. Nice.

I was perhaps delerious at this point after - packing - goodbye dinner and champagne late into the night at The Heart - running around town shopping - packing - party at MSF house - no sleep again - packing - hyperventalating - goodbyes - airport pleading for extra baggage - phnom penh to singapore to melbourne...... phew!

with my friend Bianca and my Mum

Rhys and his mates.... shaggy hills boys! (and hayley!)my brother Peter and his cricket team mate Jake
with one of my surrogate brothers, Tim (and Rhys' hat)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The last hurrah

Well, it is here, I have burnt all my photo CDs, undertaken my exit interview, and packed up my desk. My time with SCA has finished, and I am preparing to leave Cambodia.

In the next month I will put up more photos and posts that have been missed this year - Viet Nam in March, Kep and Bokor in Feb, my MSC research work, Ratanakiri etc...

For now, I will leave with photos from a typical big night in Phnom Penh taken last friday - drinks and fashion crisis at our house, Elsewhere party, the Heart.... trouble trouble....

What can I say.... it's been a blast!

Becc and I
Becc and Romy

Jimmy, Romy, Reg and Becc

Beautiful Shoes! (and toenails.. ohhh, Cambodia!)
The MSF Beast, our preferred mode of weekend transport

The motos congregate at Elsewhere for a big night (doesn't look like much outside... just wait..)
Rattana - the bar tender with the moves! Hottest job in Cambodia!

Visna pounds the millionth lime for the evening!

Reg and I, wooohooo

Karo, Becc and I, Cosmo gals!

Jimmy and I
Where do all these barang come from!!!
Just wait, that pool will be full of drunk idgiots in an hour..
The AYAD gals - Becc, Karo, Ness, Me, Ness and Kara
Jul and I
Romy, Stef and I... faces!
Mitch put a shirt on for once!
MSF boys survey the dance floor..
Jaz and I
Yvette and Majid
Romy on the stage at the Heart, our usual 3am haunt!

Becc, I and Romy hit the Heart...

And the beat of the Heart goes on, and on, and on....